Reija Toivio is a senior architect from Stockholm, Sweden, working with residential and urban development projects. She has studied at the University of Oulu in Finland and Virginia Polytechnic Institute in USA and has a MA in architecture and urban planning.

Her interest in architecture in a global and humanitarian context started in 2006 -2007 as she participated a research studio led by the Royal Institute of Art in Sweden. The focus of the studies was informal settlements in Brazil and South Africa in cooperation with SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and Slum Dwellers International.

2012-2019 a guest teacher and a tutor on “Reality Studio” in Kisumu, Kenya, a course on Master level for Architecture, within the program of Design for Sustainable Development, given by Chalmers University (Sweden) in cooperation with Maseno and JOOUST universities (Kenya) and UNHabitat.
The course involves close connectivity with Kenyan NGO’s, local government and grassroots, and focuses on both high- and low-tech solutions regarding sustainable urban development.

Reija Toivio is part of ASF-Sweden´s Project Committee and a former board member of ASF-Sweden (2018-2022) and ForumCiv (Swedish non-governmental member organization) (2020-2022).

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