ASF GA 2016

ASF International Dialog and GA Meeting 2016

Architecture Sans Frontièrs International is coordinating efforts with ARC-Peace International to organize this year’s General Assembly Meeting. The GA Meeting will be held and hosted by ARC-Peace in Palma de Mallorca – Balearerna, Spanien, from the 21st to the 24th of April 2016.

The Council for the GA Theme is to undertake a review and analysis of “Refugees Settlements Worldwide”, including a comprehensive strategy required for refugee problems to be adequately addressed and resolved.


The 8th of April, our host organisation in Mallorca presented to the board of ASF-Int a new schedule with severe changes in the programme.

The changes, according to the host team, were caused by difficulties solving critical venue’s issues with the authorities in Mallorca. As a result of these issues, we managed to preserve the 22nd of April for the GA Meeting, which we on the board of ASF-Int consider the most relevant event. But we would like to inform that the ASF Dialogue will be held on the 21st of April 2016 instead of the Challenging Practice workshop, which will be held on the 23rd instead of the ASF Dialog.

The board of ASF International sincerely apologise for this last-minute change in the programme and regret any confusion that these changes can represent for all our attendees. We hope for a successful and fruitful GA Meeting, however. To make this GA Meeting an international humanitarian architects forum, where great ideas can be discussed despite all barriers and logistics challenges.

Please stay tuned for the final schedule which will be sent by the ASF International Secretary to the attendees of the GA Meeting.

General Assembly meeting Activities Programme

Day 1 – 21 April 2016
Shared activities with ARC-Peace Members:
–    Registration of Participants (9:00 am).
–    ASF Exhibition.
–    ASF Dialog 2016 – Shared activities with ARC-Peace Members.
–    Challenging Practice one day seminar organized by ASF-UK (13:00-17:30).
–    Presentations and round tables discussions related to the GA Theme.
–    Panel discussions.
Day 2 – 22 April 2016
–    ASF lnternational General Assembly meeting.
Day 3 – 23 April 2016
–     ASF Dialogue 2016 – Shared activities with ARC-Peace Members.Dialogue 2016 – Shared activities with ARC-Peace Members.
–     Challenging Practice one-day seminar organized by ASF-UK
Launch of the book “Architecture and Land planning under different political systems“.
Dinner with the planning department of the City Council.
Day 4 – 24 April 2016
–     City tour and a Possible visit to the Serra de Tramuntana, UNESCO World heritage site if arranged by authorities.
–     Board meeting.
ARC-Peace Official Programme & Flyer
–    This document is also attached below with timetables and other useful information.


  1. Nomination of persons who will assume the positions of President and Secretary of the GA
  2. A vote as regards approval of the agenda by the GA
  3. A statement and a vote on whether the GA was properly convened in accordance with the statutes
  4. A statement on the representation of members and voting rights
  5. Approval of the annual Activity Report drawn up by the Conseil d’Administration
  6. The Audit Report
  7. Approval of the verified Financial Statements
  8. Granting discharge to the outgoing Conseil d’Administration
  9. Election of members of the Conseil d’Administration for the next period
  10. Election of Auditors for the next period
  11. Appointing the Elections Preparatory committee for elections in the next period
  12. Decision on membership subscriptions and budget for the next period
  13. Decision on planned activities for the next period
  14. Topics and other proposals for the next period
  15. Any other business

Working Schedule

09:00   Registration and coffee.
10:00   Points 01-11 of Agenda.
11:50   Member organisations collaboration workshop.
14:00   Activities plan 2016-2018 workshop.
15:30   Conclusions and decisions on t11e Activities plan.
16:00   BREAK
16:20   Points 12-15 of Agenda (including GA 2017 Preparations 10 years ASF lnternational celebration).
17:30   Presentation of new member organisations.
18:00   End
19:30   DINNER

ASF Exhibition 2016

All ASF members and also organisations interested to join ASF International!
Remember to submit 1-3 A3 panels presenting your work (1 general + 1-2 for projects) to by Monday 18.4.2016 to be exhibited in Mallorca, as well as on the ASF International website.

Please have a look at the FB page for more info.
Download the Indesign/PDF – Template Indesign/PDF -template from Google Drive.

GA Meeting supporting documents

The Annual Report for 2016, the Activity Plan 2016-2018 and an economic report can be found on the Information Package here below (please see attachments).


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