Also known as : ASF-France
ASF-France association’s vocation is to bring assistance to all victims of natural disasters, collective accidents, wars and other hard situations in the area of construction, urban planning and environment. Its non-profit interventions are without any discrimination of race and political, religious or philosophical views.
ASF-France responds to requests from organisations, collectivities or states, who intent, without exclusion nor segregation, to promote better conditions of life and habitat. All requests are studied considering human, cultural, economic and technical questions. ASF-France supports the project development using its professional network.
The sharing of experiences shows that realistic and usable solutions exist to build a world of solidarity that answers the basic needs : adapted care centres for all suffering people, infrastructure for education and training, and basically, a sustainable habitat in a safe environment, with facilitated access to water and good sanitary conditions for every human being. ASF-France supports the development of a higher quality of architecture, by increasing people’s awareness and anticipating the risks by constructive choices adapted to the environment, and by training workers, craftmen, technicians and other actors of construction to develop local responsibilities and skills for the long term.