The association Terre Construite/Tierra Construida bases its approach on earth construction techniques, as a political answer to the issues of construction economy. Its involvment inside the Amaicha del Valle community strengthened this position, facilitating the community to build its economic and social autonomy. Natives communities have been recognized since the new Argentinian Constitution in 1994. At Amaicha del Valle, only 52.812 of the 132.000 ha of claimed lands were given back through a cadastral sketch in 2002. The administrative process for the legal restitution of the land is not over yet. Thus the struggle continues for the recognition of the whole territory against big land-owners and the constitutional context.
TC, in partnership with ASF-France, was actively involved in this work by drawing a precise map of the territorial limits, with the help of the “Cedula Real”, a 1716 text in which the king of Spain did recognize the existence of the community. The project manager of ASF, in a frame of action by TC, works closely with the cacique (chief of the community) on several projects:
– Establishment of a urban code
– Recovery of a plot, in order to refurbish it into a community development center (hosteria)
– Building of workshops for a school for the disabled (escuela San Roque)
– Technical support for a bridge construction (la Fronterita)
– Refurbishment of a building for tourism purposes, in order to develop the economic autonomy of the community (Pulperia)
– Survey of Quilmes’ ruins site, to improve the rainwater system which is currently damaging the archeological heritage.
In addition, the “Tierra Construida association house” allows architecture students to get earth construction training with amaicheños (Amaicha inhabitants), who still build with this material.