Educational Centre

This project is an extension of a school in Addis Ababa, in the form of an Educational Centre. The school’s target is the poorest families and street children and its pedagogy is based on humanism and everyone’s equal rights. Through the years the school has helped thousands of children to a better life.

Ethnical segregation has increased dramatically in the Ethiopia in recent years. The main purpose of the Educational Centre is to counteract this tendency and promote understanding among different cultures. The idea is that it will become a place where the students themselves can exhibit items from their own cultures and tell each other about them. Another important aim is to create pride in Ethiopia to hinder the brain-drainage and make the children stay in the country and contribute to its development once educated. Moreover, the centre will include exhibitions on the history of Ethiopia and women’s and children’s rights.

The building will be approximately 600 sqm and focus on creating spaces for exhibitions and opportunities for informal and formal meetings. It will also be a useful supplement in the school’s everyday education – for outdoor lectures, drama and music classes – and it will form the main meeting point for students and teachers. Building materials are chosen with sustainability and local availability in mind.

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